Scottish Apprenticeship Week – meet our Electrical Engineering Apprentice

Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Scottish Apprenticeship Week – meet our Electrical Engineering Apprentice

As part of Scottish Apprentice Week, we talk to one of our Year 1 Electrical Engineering Modern Apprentices at the Port of Dundee, Connor Deuchars about his journey so far:

What made you decide to take on an apprenticeship?

I decided to take on this Electrical Engineering apprenticeship because I feel it is a really good ‘hands on’ opportunity to develop skills in my chosen career path.

How did you go about finding your apprenticeship?

A family member informed me there was a position available and I approached the Port and asked for a tour around before applying for the position online via the Forth Ports website.

What was the recruitment process like?

The recruitment process was very good.  I was given a good tour around the port and got a good understanding of what was going to be involved with the apprenticeship. I then had to submit my CV and go through various online aptitude tests.

I then had an online interview – it was a bit different from your usual interview but the interviewers made it seem a lot more normal like it was a face-to-face interview. They gave me information on what the apprenticeship involves such as pay, holidays, what to expect from the job and they asked a few questions about me.

As part of the online interview I had to do a ‘show and tell’ so I showed something I made in college. I explained the process on how it was made, what was needed to carry the task out then reflected on what I could have done better to gain more knowledge and understanding on how to improve next time.

I then got down to the final two candidates and we both had a face-to-face informal walk around the Port.

Overall the virtual recruitment process was very good, safe and easy to follow.

How is your modern apprenticeship structured?  

The apprenticeship is 4 years long and I am on block release which is 4 weeks at college then 4 weeks in the workplace.

What is your day to day job like?

I get to work about 07:45 and get changed into my PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). I get to the workshop for 08:00 and have a morning meeting with the department about the jobs for the day. We then carry out the jobs we have been given until a break at 10:00. We then carry on with the job we were on before break until 12:00 then have our lunch then carry out jobs until 5:00. There are a big range of jobs we carry out such as installation jobs, repairs, breakdowns and maintenance.

Is this an area of work you’ve always wanted to go into?

Yes I have always wanted to be in the electrical engineering area of work from a young age because my uncle inspired me to choose this career path.

How would you describe your role in 5 words?

Essential, practical, prominent, understanding and reliable

Did you have concerns about doing an apprenticeship?

I would say the only concern I had would be in case I didn’t fit in with my colleagues in the workplace but everyone was very welcoming and we can have a good laugh also they would help or give me any advice to the best of their knowledge if I needed any.

What advice would you give someone considering applying for an apprenticeship?

I would highly recommend anyone considering applying for an apprenticeship to go for one that they would enjoy and they actually want to go down that career path.

I would also tell them they will need to put in the effort in learning and taking everything on board they are getting taught.

To find out more about careers at Forth Ports go to:

